Pixelmator Pro v2.1.2 mac破解版是马克喵搜集到的一款任何人都可以使用的专业图像编辑工具。Pixelmator Pro旨在使每个人都可以使用最强大的专业图像编辑工具。拥有大量用于编辑和修饰照片,创建图形设计,绘画,绘制矢量图形以及添加令人惊叹的效果的工具,这是一款可以替代Photoshop的图像编辑器。

👍 Pixelmator Pro 2.0.1 + iCloud 中文破解版 PhotoShop图像处理替代品-马克喵


Pixelmator Pro是Pixelmator的进化版本。新款Pixelmator Pro将人工智能的深度学习能力整合进诸如水平侦测、自动图层命名、污点修复工具以及快速选区工具等功能当中,以此来实现更好的处理效果。
Pixelmator Pro在设计上完全以苹果操作系统为参照,誓将极简主义的风格进行到底,为此新版软件采用了单一窗口的设计。尽管整体走的是极简风格,但Pixelmator Pro并非在实际的功能上作出任何妥协,所有包括图像编辑、数字画笔、色彩调整等等工具都被整齐地排列于工作区两侧。

Pixelmator Pro支持iCloud备份及同步等功能,同时也能够完美支持苹果新款MacBook Pro电脑上的Touch Bar及分屏多任务。



v2.2 - 2021.10.26
  • Pixelmator Pro is now fully compatible with and works great on macOS 12 Monterey.
  • Thanks to support for the M1 Pro and M1 Max chips, Pixelmator Pro harnesses the full power of the fastest MacBook Pro devices ever.
  • In the new Shortcuts app, you’ll find 28 powerful Pixelmator Pro actions, including ones featuring our machine learning-powered tools, actions for replacing text and images in documents, overlaying images, optimizing images for the web, and much more.
  • To show you what Shortcuts can do, we’ve also included 6 very cool sample shortcuts – find those in our What’s New window.
  • The new Split Comparison view lets you easily see an interactive split-screen view of any layer with and without edits applied to it.
  • To turn on the slider, you can Option-click the Show Original button in the Tool Options pane when using the Color Adjustments, Effects, retouching, and reshaping tools.
  • Or, you can force click your image while using the Color Adjustments and Effects tools.
  • And, to always have access to the Split Comparison view, you can also add the new Compare button to the Pixelmator Pro toolbar by clicking View > Customize Toolbar.
  • When inserting image layers using the FaceTime camera, these will now include portrait masks to make it easier to blur or remove backgrounds and add effects to your FaceTime photos.
  • Use the new Bokeh blur effect to apply beautiful photographic blurs to images.
  • Pixelmator Pro can now import .PHOTO files, so you can open images you’ve edited in Pixelmator Photo for iPad with your nondestructive edits preserved.
  • Maximum brush spacing has been increased from 100% to 1000%.
  • 16-bit images exported to PSD with the Optimize for Apple Pro Apps setting turned on were not being exported with 8-bit per channel color as they should. Fixed.
v2.1.5 - 2021.10.06
  • In certain files, timezones in EXIF timestamp data would be handled incorrectly. Fixed.
  • The color of the Pixel tool could not be changed in images without an assigned color profile. Fixed.
  • The opacity of the Pixel tool could not be reduced below 25%. Fixed.
  • Line height in PSD files would be handled incorrectly in certain cases. Fixed.
  • PSDs saved with Photoshop CS5 will now be better supported.
  • The thumbnails of Pixelmator Pro files would sometimes be pixelated. Fixed.
  • Refine Selection would not work correctly when the selection being refined contained the entire image. Fixed.






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